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Generate meta tag code to aid in search engine optimization/SEO

This tool will help you generate dynamic meta tag code that you can simply copy/paste into the web pages on your site. Make sure you copy/past this code into the HEAD area on your pages:

<title>title1</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="robots" content="index,follow"> <meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE"> <meta name="Description" content="[Description1]"> <meta name="Keywords" content="[keywords1]"> <meta name="Distribution" content="Global"> <meta name="generator" content=""> <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright © 2025 All rights reserved"> <meta name="timestamp" content="Fri Mar 28 23:32:51 2025">


The Title contains 8 Characters (The Max should be 100 characters)
Use some of your most relevant keywords in your title. Some search engines start their search listing with the words contained in the title. You want your title to catch the searcher's eye, but it should also describe the contents of your page.


The Description contains 14 Characters (The Max should be 200 characters)
The descriptions will be displayed after the title of your document in the search engine's result listing. It should be an incentive for readers to visit your web page. The content of the description should clearly convey what one can expect to find when linking to your site.
1. Make sure that you use several of your keywords in your description.
2. If you are a company, include your industry or market.
3. Try to avoid superlatives.
4. Do not use special characters like "***" in your description.


The KeyWords contains 11 Characters (The Max should be 1000 characters)
With 1 Keywords and 1 total words.
Keywords are words logically related to the content of your document. Usually, the list of keywords is separated by commas but this isn't mandatory. The keywords allow search engines to easily index your web page using the keywords you tell them. They aren't visible to the reader of your web page. Just like the description of your web page, they're stored in so-called META tags. When building your keyword list think of what search term you would enter in a search engine to find your web page. What words would a potential customer or visitor use to find a site with the content, products or services your site offers? By the way, don't think you can spike the keywords using the same word repeated over and over, as most search engines have refined their spiders to ignore such spam. Do not excessively repeat keywords in as search engines may penalize you for this. The penalty may be the spider disregarding the keywords and extracting keywords from the content of your page. The penalty may also be the removal of your listing.
1. Be as specific as you can. However, if you use unusual words, or words that are so unique that the searcher will probably not include them in his search query. Put yourself in the searcher's shoes... What words would you use if you were going to search for your page?
2. Place your most important keywords at the beginning.
3. Whenever possible, use the plural of your keywords. Users most often search with the plural of words. Search engines will process both the singular and plural form, repeating both is not necessary.
4. Using fewer keywords will increase the density of each and is likely to lead to a higher ranking for those keywords.
5. Use some common misspellings of your keywords (if applicable).
6. Using keywords in different languages can be helpful.
7. Test your keywords by using your keywords, and also combinations of your keywords on several search engines. See what kind of pages come up. This will give you an idea.
8. Try out this Search Term Suggestion Tool to see if the keywords you are using are even looked for.
9. Try Google Adword Generator - see even more keywords related to your site

IMG ALT texts
For each image on your web page, you can specify a text which is displayed in the browser as long as the image isn't loaded yet. These texts are also displayed when the user has turned off images in the browser. Software for blind web surfers reads the web site to those who can't see the images by using the alternative text. You should add keywords to your image alternative texts because some search engines index these texts as well. It helps search engines to learn more about your web page.
1. Use the same keywords as you use in the title, keywords and description sections.
2. Don't over-use the same keywords again and again. The keywords should make sense to the image.
3. Don't use too many keywords in one image alternative text, even if they are different ones.

<img src="blairbrothers.gif" alt="blair brothers">
<img src="bigfish.jpg" alt="bigfish in all colors">

Your Home Page is 22.42Kb in size.
The Home page should be no more than 40Kb and the other pages in your site be no more than 30Kb.